Monday, September 5, 2011


joN. said...

well played cap.

(my word verification is "sylar." that's creepy.)

Robert Vollman said...

I remember a science fiction movie/story where the bad guys would attack you with time guns that would simply push you forward/back in time a few seconds, but keep you in the same spot. You'd wind up in deep space, or inside the planet.

I forget what movie/story this was. Anyone remember?

Anonymous said...

Robert V. that sounds so familiar, damn it, can't remember. But this strip needs to be a recuring one that starts with the same first panel. Then the poor guy fails in different ways every "time". ie: Pannel 2; his assistant says "Wait Doc I think this component is in upside down!" Pannel 3; Doc,"Get out! I know what I'm doing!" BOOP-BEEP-BEEP. In pannels 4,5,and 6 the Doc gets old, dies then turns to bones.

Dr. Theodore Homa said...

Ha! Very funny. I'd like to dig into that machine and see what science got him there...

Seiya.Eiri said... THE SOURCE OF THE COMIC